Month: May 2020

The Things the Mind Sees Happen commended in Anne Elder Award 2019

A rather amazing thing has happened and it is that The Things the Mind Sees Happen has been commended in the Anne Elder Award for a first book of poetry published in 2019.

Many congrats to the winners, and particularly to my Slow Loris series-mate Alice Allan, also commended with her first full length book from Rabbit Poetry.

New publications

New poems out! Some new adventures in ekphrasis:

These poems carry a content note for domestic violence. I deeply appreciate the response they have had on social media:

  • Birds‘, Australian Book Review 419 (March 2020)
  • Dad‘, Meanjin 78:4 (Summer 2019) [paywalled]

Plus: the wonderful Verity La has released another ebook of favourite pieces of the last 10 years, in which I’m honoured my ‘Damboon’, a long short story about lesbians on a roadtrip in country Vic, appears – for sale here:

Theme: Overlay by Kaira