I’m just coming to the end of a fabulous residency at Varuna The Writers’ House, supported by the Copyright Agency Limited’s Creative Industries Career Fund.
I’ve contributed a brief reading (streaming audio) from my novel in progress, ‘When I first met Martin’, to the Varuna blog’s Writer a Day project:
Congrats on the residency! I take it that the book is going well?
Oh god, no, it is pretty much constantly agonising. But I am a drama queen like that, maybe? ARGH WHY GOD WHY. *flail*
I’m doing Advanced Novel next semester – what about you?
I’m saving Advanced Novel up for next year, I’ve decided that I can’t write YA (my current class) and my adult novel at the same time.
Are you doing any other classes this year?
That sounds sensible. I am on the old fees structure so this was the last year I could pay the old rates, or else I might have done the same.
Yep, I’m also doing Editing 2. Ack, so much work! But v. interesting, to be sure.